There are a lot of different things you can do to save money on your grocery shopping and some of them are fun!! It's also a good idea to shop either bi-weekly or once a month.
- One idea is to us store coupons. A lot of stores these days will accept competitors' coupons as well as give an extra discount off the product if it's the same. You need to make sure that the products are items that you really need, and that you are not just purchasing them because they are on sale. That is a trap I've seem people fall into...the “just in case” trap. You really need to know your prices. Sometimes you will find that the item that is on sale is really not a good deal (not always, just sometimes). When purchasing your groceries, it's a good idea to check what the unit price is, that way your comparing apples to apples not apples to oranges!!! Also check whether or not you're paying taxes on the items. For and example if you buy one muffin you will be charged taxes, but if you buy six, there will be no taxes. Instead of paying for that cooked chicken ( on which you will be charged taxes) buy uncooked! Checking whether or not you're paying taxes could save you a considerable amount of money over the period of a month.
- Joining a warehouse store such as Costco or Sam's Club is a great idea. Join a warehouse store with a friend or family member and not only will you save money on your groceries, but also the cost of the membership. Costco, for example, offers a membership that will give 2% back at the the end of your membership period on everything you have purchased in the store. So just before your renewal date, Costco will send you out a cheque amounting to 2% of your total purchases for the year. That can add up to a nice sum of money...that you can put toward your groceries and or your membership for the following year.
- Menu planning can be a fun job, but it is also a necessary job. When you menu plan you should include all meals, not just dinner. When I first started to do menu planning, I only did it for dinners, and always wondered why I was short for lunches, etc. You should plan for breakfasts, snacks, lunches, and dinners. Make sure you plan for any special events that you have in the upcoming month. Planning with friends or other family members can significantly reduce costs. When you do that, you can share in the cost of the food, the hydro, cleaning up and even your time. You will also save time by cooking your weeks menus all together in one day. If you do decide to take this route, make sure you have proper containers, baggies and a black permanent maker to date and name what you have made. This is always a fun thing to do... socialize with your friends and family, and by making a day of it!!!
- Another option is to buy in bulk from stores such as the Bulk Barn. If you go to a reputable store, one that is busy, you know that the stock is moving, so you won't be purchasing old and stale products. I purchase my baking products from these stores. They have a lot of neat stuff , so you can experiment with different spices, etc. They also have recipes to teach you how to use the different products that you wouldn't normally buy,due to the price.
Put these ideas to use, and you and your family will enjoy more quality time AND save money!
For more great ways to save yourself money click here
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